Friday, 15 August 2008

Dining Room Dilemmas

It has to be said that when we look around houses built recently there seems to be something missing… A dining room. Dining rooms are commonplace in old Victorian style properties but seem to be lacking in the building of modern houses replaced by a space in the corner of a living room or kitchen. Many people now don’t even own a dining room set, they are content to eat their meals from the kitchen counter or sat on the sofa, a lack of a dining room means people can’t physically eat at the same time due to lack of space. Mealtimes used to be a social time, a catch up of the days events. Without a dining room the chance to discuss the day and chat disappears into watching the news or a soap.

When they do exist Dining rooms raise issues for homeowners. Should they furnish it within the style of the property using Traditional style Dining tables or use a modern style dining room set or even a breakfast bar.

When furnishing a dining room, people often think what else can I put in the dining room apart from a table, the space is often seen as a wasted space. Sideboards fill this empty space, look good and provide handy storage for all the cutlery and plates while they are not in use. The sideboards provide space for the display of ornaments and family pictures which would look out of space elsewhere

A lack of a dining room can often be problematic for homeowners, often there is no room for a dining table. One solution to this problem can be the use of extendable tables. These can be opened out for meal times and folded away to save space in the corner of a kitchen or living room. Another solution could be the use of a breakfast bar which are generally smaller and take up less room.

So, if a dining room exists there exists a great deal of choice to fill the space and if there is no dining room, extendable tables provide a great alternative to sitting on the sofa and eating your meal off a tray.

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