Monday, 18 May 2009

Gleneagle still alive and kicking.

Rumours have been circulating recently about the demise of Gleneagle Furniture prompted no doubt by the closure of the UK Factory. Well we thought it was best to quickly reassure you that Gleneagle is still trading.

Production has simply transferred to a state of the art factory in Ireland. All the Gleneagle ranges are still produced and are available to customers in Ireland and the UK. We still stock all existing ranges and Gleneagle show no sign of slowing down. In fact they have just launched a new High Gloss Range which is available from Furniture Store 247.

So just to refresh, you can purchase all existing products from Gleneagle and they will be delivered. Gleneagle bedroom furniture is still the best value for money and the new state of the art Irish Factory means it could even be better quality.

For those not worried about Gleneagle and living in Ireland. Rest Assured, we deliver all Furniture from Furniture Store 247 to Ireland. The charge is only £45 and we can arrange a two man delivery. If you are still not sure take a look at the prices. Our prices are cheaper as they are in Sterling compared to expensive Irish Furniture shops charging in Euro’s. So why not take advantage of the strength of the Euro against the pound. Take a look at Furniture Store 247 and order furniture and save money at the same time

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